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Meet Our Team

Craig has a range of formal training and experience including ten years of sustainable development and waste consulting, and previously project management, landscape design, economics and finance. This experience ensures Craig’s sustainable building inputs consider options from all disciplines and lead to ideas that are progressive, feasible, and taken up by their clients.

Joel is an innovative and driven sustainability consultant with extensive experience in energy, daylight and Water Sensitive Urban Design (WSUD) modelling. With a background in environmental engineering and experience in both private and public sectors, Joel brings attention to detail and a practical perspective to all projects. He has developed his expertise in the sustainable built environment with involvement in many commercial, residential and industrial projects throughout Australia. Joel has experience undertaking and managing outsourced Council ESD referrals, which brings invaluable experience to play when managing client ESD submissions to Councils. Joel is one of our two LID project delivery managers.

Andrea has a Masters of Energy Efficient & Sustainable Building with broad experience in a range of residential and commercial projects, and adept at providing holistic sustainable solutions. She is also an Industrial Designer with a specialization in sustainable building and is currently pursuing her Masters of Urban Planning and Environments degree at RMIT.

Leah is also a member of Architeam, Alternate Technologies Australia and the Permaculture Design Guild and has been on the steering committee of the Urban Agriculture Committee for Moreland City Council.

Marius has worked within building research, building services engineering and sustainability consulting, in addition to construction material and heating system certification.

At Low Impact Development (LID) Consulting Jo’s keenness for sustainability drives business knowledge sharing while she oversees the day-to-day management of the business, including marketing and CRM, workflow improvement measures, fee requests, project and resource management, financial and systems administration.
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