Apartment Retrofit Plans + High Life Expo

LID have been working for over 15 years in the space of delivering ESD and Waste consulting solutions for new developments. We also deliver services to provide action plans to upgrade existing building stock.

One of our key services is delivering an Apartments Retrofit Plan, which is designed to guide owners corporations on the path to change, in these group decision making environments.

Our Apartments Retrofit Plan will provide clear and simple information to everyone on what needs to be done and why, to incorporate new technologies to reduce operating costs and carbon emissions in existing apartment blocks. The lot owners determine the when.

Come and hear us talk about how we can help owners corporations progress down the path to electrification at the High Life Expo on Saturday 1 June 2024 or the Strata Community Association (Vic) Strata Sustainability Case Study Series on evening of 8th August 2024.

Can we help you?

Please call us on (03) 9016 9486 to discuss your project requirements or click below to request a quote.