low carbon living

Apartment retrofit plan  

What we do: We prepare a strategy for your existing apartment blocks to get off gas, go all electric, improve energy efficiency, and incorporate solar PV and EV infrastructure. The capital improvement measures will help save occupants operational costs, while delivering more sustainable buildings that can be run to be operationally carbon neutral, future proofing the asset.

We start off with a building assessment and provide an options and recommended action plan.

Key elements:

  • Identify appliances and services
  • Understand reliance on energy sources
  • Assess the building fabric (walls, roof and floor construction) to understand insulation levels
  • Check potential capacity of the roof space for solar PV
  • Identify potential new services locations and technologies to optimize the value of installations
  • Our report(s) are documented for readability of owners corporation members. If requested we can address an OC meeting.

Upgrading an existing apartment building with decent size rooms to current comfort and efficiency standards is much cheaper and the more sustainable option compared to demolishing and building new again.

Talk to us if you want a plan for how your apartment building can embrace new technologies, low carbon living and lower ongoing operational costs.

What resident and architect Ying-Lan Dann from the owners corporation said:

“LID was engaged to undertake a sustainability report examining the feasibility of transitioning our 33-unit 1960s apartment block toward more sustainable energy sources. They provided a very thorough report including input from relevant sub-consultants, blue sky aims and preliminary costs. The report has formed the basis of critical ongoing work that our Owner’s Corporation  is doing to future-proof our apartments; we could not have progressed this work without LID’s expertise and professionalism”.


The sustainable, simpler and less expensive option is usually to retain and retrofit our existing apartments. Often older apartments have other benefits such as larger rooms. 
Recommend an Electric Vehicle (EV) charging strategy
Understanding services provision in buildings